Sunday School Objectives
Objectives of the Sunday School
“Train up a child in the way he should go, because when he is grown, he would not depart from it”
Proverbs 22:6.
The objective of our Sunday school program is translate the wisdom of Solomon in Proverbs 22:6 in to practice. The Sunday School program teaches our young generation, the Bible, and the true and original Orthodox faith and beliefs so that they will practice them in their life ahead and pass it along to the future generations without corruption. The Psalmist in Psalms 32:8 says “I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go”. The teachers take up this responsibility to instruct and teach the way a child should go under the guidance of Rev. Fr. Leeson Daniel and the able leadership of Principal Mrs. Shiny Sam and Asst. Principal Ms. Amy Abraham.
Our Sunday School program uses the official curriculum of the Indian Orthodox Church. It is structured in such a way that children who graduate will have a basic understanding of the Holy Bible, the faith and beliefs of the Orthodox Church and the history of our church in the context of history of Christianity. In addition the children are also exposed to the hymns of the Holy Eucharist and important prayers.
The Sunday School year runs from September through end of May. Every Sunday the classes runs for an hour after the Holy Eucharist. It starts with a general class and then splits up into individual classes. The text books and workbooks prepared for the American Diocese are used as study materials.
We have more than 50 students enrolled in the Sunday school program. The students are divided into grades based on age. Rev. Fr. Leeson Daniel provides overall guidance and leadership for the Sunday School activities. Mrs. Shiny Sam serves as the Principal and Ms. Amy Abraham is the Asst. Principal . We have a well qualified team of teachers who handle the individual classes.
In addition to the spiritual learning exercise, our Sunday School program also promote cultural activities with the object of cultivating and improving their skills. Such activities include, songs, dances, skits, and other cultural activities with a christian meaning and content.
Our efforts have resulted in our Sunday School Quiz Team winning several Washington Area Quiz competitions conducted by the American Diocese. Our Sunday School also did very well at the Washington Ecumenical council Quiz competition.
If you would like more information about the Sunday school program please contact us