Memory Eternal, Mr. Thomas Varghese
Thomas Varghese (Kaipallimalil), aged 75, founding member passed away to his heavenly abode on Tuesday November 13 2012.
Click here to watch the recording of the Funeral service.
Please pray for the departed soul.
Keep the sorrowing family members Saramma Thomas, wife; Mary Chacko (Veena), daughter; Vinu Thomas and Vinoy Thomas (sons). John Chacko (son-in-law); Kim (daugher-in-law) and Anna, Alex, Kodi, Justin, Jordan and Jasmin grandchildren in your thoughts and prayers.
Details for the funeral arrangement.
Prayer and 2nd service : Wednesday November 14, 2012, evening at 7pm at residence, 6913 Goodluck Road, New Carrolton, MD 20784
Viewing and 3rd service : Thursday November 15 from 5pm to 8pm at Haines Renaldi Funeral Home, 11800 New Hampshire Avenue Silver Spring, MD 20904.Tel: (301) 622-2290
Funeral Service: Friday November 16, 2012, at 9:00am at St. Thomas Indian Orthodox Church, GW, 13505 New Hampshire Avenue Silver Spring, MD 20905 and followed by Interment : Gate of Heaven Cemetery. 13801 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20906. Tel. 301-871-6500